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  • M Descriptor

    Measured or specified concentration of macroparticles per cubic meter of air, expressed in terms of the equivalent diameter that is characteristic of the measurement method used.NOTE: The M descriptor may be regarded as an upper limit for the averages at sampling locations (or as an upper confidence limit, depending upon the number of sampling locations used to characterize the cleanroom or clean zone). M descriptors cannot be used to define airborne particulate cleanliness classes, but they may be quoted independently or in conjunction with airborne particulate cleanliness classes.
  • M-CSF

    Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor
  • M13

    A single-stranded DNA bacteriophage used as a vector for DNA sequencing.
  • MA

    Marketing Authorization
  • Mab

    Monoclonal Antibody
  • Mach

    Mach number is the relative velocity of a fluid compared to its sonic velocity. Mach numbers less than 1 (1,087.47 ft/sec) correspond to sub-sonic velocities, and Mach numbers greater than 1 correspond to super-sonic velocities.
  • Machine Code

    (IEEE) Computer instructions and definitions expressed in a form (binary code) that can be recognized by the CPU of a computer. All source code, regardless of the language in which it was programmed, is eventually converted to machine code. Synonymous: Object Code.
  • Machine Language

  • Machine Lines/Process Lines

    Surface topography created from machining or honing/polishing lines will normally run parallel but bisecting (perpendicular) lines may occur when the honing stone mandrel is removed from the work piece.
  • Machine Welding

    Welding with equipment that performs the welding operation under the constant observation and control of a welding operator. The equipment may or may not perform the loading and unloading of the works.
  • Macro

    (IEEE) In software engineering, a predefined sequence of computer instructions that is inserted into a program, usually during assembly or compilation, at each place that its corresponding macroinstruction appears in the program.
  • Macroinstruction

    (IEEE) A source code instruction that is replaced by a predefined sequence of source instructions, usually in the same language as the rest of the program and usually during assembly or compilation.
  • Macrokinetics

    Movement of whole cells and their media within a bioreactor.
  • Macromolecule

    Molecule of large molecular weight, such as proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides.
  • Macroparticle

    Particle with an equivalent diameter greater than 5 µm.
  • Macrophage

    A phagocytic cell of the immune system found in blood and connective tissue and involved in removing debris after injury and is involved in producing interleukin-1. When exposed to the lymphokine macrophage-activating factor, macrophages also kill tumor cells.
  • Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (M-CSF)

    A natural hormone that stimulates the production of white blood cells, particularly monocytes (the precursors of macrophages).
  • Macrorestriction Map

    Map depicting the order of and distance between sites at which restriction enzymes cleave chromosomes.
  • Macroreticular Resin (MR)

    An ion exchange resin with a reticular porous matrix that makes it effective for removing colloids and bacteria from process streams, as well as dissolved anions. It is especially useful for preventing colloidal and organic fouling of mixed-bed resins and premature clogging of final filters.Macroreticular resins are made of two continuous phases - a continuous pore phase and a continuous gel polymeric phase. The polymeric phase is structurally composed of small spherical microgel particles agglomerated together to form clusters, which, in turn, are fastened together at the interfaces and form interconnecting pores. The surface area arises from the exposed surface of the microgel glued together into clusters. Macroreticular ion exchange resins can be made with different surface areas ranging from 7 to 1500 m2/g, and average pore diameters ranging from 50 to 1,000,000 A.
  • MACS

    Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting
  • MACT

    Maximum Achievable Control Technology for new major sources of HAPs
  • MACT

    Maximum Achievable Control Technology for existing major sources of HAPs
  • Mad Cow Disease

  • MAFF

    Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (United Kingdom)
  • Magnetic Particle Examination (MT)

    A method of detecting cracks and similar imperfections at or near the surface in iron and the magnetic alloys of steel. It consists of properly magnetizing the material and applying finely divided magnetic particles that form patterns indicating the imperfections.